Friday, June 27, 2014

Celebrity P@wer: The Story Of The Cardash Family, The Dashers, A Song and The White Grincha!


This is the only way to see this point-of-viuw.

I have a hunch (gathered from learning about music while online), that people who are GOOD EXAMPLES are often ignored, while people who become BAD EXAMPLES often try TO BE covering up their previous confusing deeds.

I will admit, I participated in The Cup Song Challenge  after seeing many people attempt this challenging musical activity. After I heard (indirectly) that I was guilty of violating copyright law, I responded in a defensive way.

I will create MY EHRBAN MYTH MYSTORY because I can not uncover the factual details behind The Cup Song.

MY EHRBAN MYTH is not factual...I am telling you, dear reader, a mythical / (fictional) story because I want you to think about music and copyright laws.

My Ehrban Myth:
Imagine...a family who enjoys creating puzzles and solving riddles.
Imagine that this family, which I will call The Cardash Family, creates a fun song.
Imagine that The Cardash Family shares this song with the neighborhood...and then for fun, the family records a audio version of their song. After time has passed, imagine that the father of The Cardash Family learns that part of the complex-rhythmic-beat beneith the song is directly copied from an older song. Imagine that the father is then confused...although the song was created by the family, and shared with family friends...should they continue to share their version, which actually is apart of a older song, and seems to be the nuw part -- of a old song...the father continues to worry. After much thinking, and not knowing what to do, imagine that the father then decides to stop sharing The Cardash Family's Song, and that the family is then told by the enjoy life...and make other songs...

In this legend or myth, music is a way to communicate with your family, ancestors and neighbors.... In my myth, The Cardash Family ran into trouble when they decided to record this song for the first time. Traditionally, families would sing (not play) old songs.
After learning more, and after reading about copyright laws, imagine that the father of The Cardash Family decides to instruct his family to stop sharing this song.

Imagine, a neighboring family wants to become popular, and after hearing The Cardash Family's Song, they record a similar version. I will call this family: The Dashers. The newly-recorded song by The Dashers, sells like hot-biscuits with butter. Imagine that people everywhere can be heard singing a variation of The Cardash Family's Song. Imagine students were taught this song, because it is complex and fun to learn, and imagine that many young people are given copy right.
Imagine that after learning about the older song The Cardash Family had, in part, copied correctly; the father of The Dashers Family remains quiet about possible copyright infringements. Imagine that The Dashers Family is then given instructions by the father to continue to sing and share this song.

This is a Ehrban myth I created after visiting an interesting web-site:
Link: Guide-To-The-Cup-Song

I chose to create a story with a Good Example and a Confusing Example.
The Good Example is the example of the father of The Cardash Family, because this character chose to refrain from activities that could be harmful...often, it is best to not rush...especially where 'angels' would be fearful to follow.
In literature and on television, I have notice'da that angels are associated with music and Sunday school.
In my myth, the confusing example is given by the father of The Dashers Family, who passes along a confusing example...thus, opens the 'musical-gate' to greater possible copyright infringments.

In my myth, after 20 years have passed, the events of The Cardash Family's Song are re-veiled...people who were taught this fun song, and the musicians who copied this song perfectly became silent. Videos online were pulled...although the musical-cup was passed along, and The Cardash Family's Song and music was learn'da and was share'da, the people who did not know what to do about copyright infringments decided to stop sharing their video-versions, or stop playing that song. Unfortunately, only one pale young man online was blaimed. He was the last person online to remove his version of this song, or...the only person online who continued to share his video-verson of The Cardash Family's Song...he refused to remove his version of the song in the video he uploaded because, as he confessed in a video had taken him months to learn the basic rhythmic beat. He considered learning this complex and challenging song the greatest toil of his life...which may be why he refused to remove the video documenting the hard-learned musical fruit he earned after much bucket-banging labor.

...Thus begins the humorous journeys of 'The White this (fictional) online user was from that point onward called.

BTW, If you do not like MY MYTH, I suggest you make uor own version-up!

If you do now more about copyright laws, and how to safely record audio versions of a song you have learned from other people...please share your ideas, or create better myths 2 share.

Update: I think some versions of 'The Cup-Song' sound like a sped-up version of the folk-song 'This Old Man'. What would The Cup Song Sound like slow'da daown?

Link 2 My Version of the Cup-Song-Challenge!

Glozel Green - The Cup Song

[Also, note Fan79518 Channel Playlist: If I Act Like You, Am I A Bad Example?]


I May Offer My Audio-Beats for sale, or to share with my permission to computer users, via.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Blu AynJay


I was day-dreaming, forgive this writing's imperfections.
Like the night wind, I rush'd to impress my thoughts.

When a chocolate color'd woman, similar to the Oracle in the Maitrix...a young Oracle, needs to regain her mental balance, after introducing her mind to drugs, I wonder'da if the Re-birth of Trinity was being made.

I rush this idea. I had thought of the re-birth of Trinity...yet gave-up thinking about this complex film-idea. Yet, chocolate color'd angels are on my mind. I am impress'da by the person who learns from their past mistakes, and then change the path of their life.

[ *The Un-important...side-plot has been removed* ]

Flash forward...Trinity is the same, and yet not the same.

The Oracle is dark brown, of a kind nature...sweet like chocolate. We are again at the start of Zion, an efficient, clean city the programs have mysteriously re-created.

Zion begins to crumble. The deteriation spreads. The programmers are asked to consult the Oracle.

Plan A: Help the young Oracle help Zion.

Contact Zora
Find the re-Ornette Coleman
Save Zion.

Side plot: A Nu language is expected, a key in the city of Zion.

Flash back...The young Trinity screams as the face of her father what seems like a older man. He looks like an older Neo...a Computer mathmatics teacher...?

The Wizard Of Oz and The Matrix [Mai-trix]


The Wizard of Oz is like reading Sleeping Beauty, a novel for kids.

The book is really more child psychology (IMO).

Buddhist readers interested in this novel were also interested in Awakeyning (A-way-kin-ning).
The Buddhist practitioners practiced paths to enlightenment, and the Awaken "one".

The 'maytrix / maitrix' or "Matrix" became a 'novel' film that echo'd The Wizard of Oz...if The Wizard of Oz updated, morphin  into something like a modern electronic novel (or video-fantasy).

The Teacher, known as Neo in the Matrix, seems connected to the mythical Buddha, in a out-of-the-box way. Keanu Reeves played the Buddha in a earlier film, made years before. In this film, he is called "Neo" (or the O-N-E a re-arrangment of N-E-O).

In the Matrix [Maitrix], the first series is action-oriented and mysterious.
The sequel [The Maitrix: Part II] touches upon the subject of transferals. The setting is french, and our heros are found in a cave.

IMO, the final version is a failure. The story moves from state-of-the-Art-sophistication, enhanced contrast and enhanced special bulky grey parts, a large dim-like cave, away from under-city train stations with trains without passengers. The caves are populated with G.I. Jane-type females who seem to (like the character Trinity) enjoy playing video-games. In the final story, Neo's character is also changed.

In My Opinion, I believe the story-writer of this futuristic OZ program is a brown woman called the Oracle. She is la-i-cah / like the story teller. Near the end of the third Maitrix film, the camera zooms in on the Oracle. She appears to be laying asleep in the a brown (or dark brown) dress.

This technique uses a 'claimatic triangle'.
The drama in this type of psychological story occurs when the hero-dreamer is closest to waiking/waking...then the battle of Maya (symbolic of Chos-Kos) grows. This is a special way to build tension, which should be at it's most dramatic point when the dream ends.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Celebrity P@wer


Sclambred Slepnilg!

I am reminded of this fascinating text that caught my attention.

Most TRADITIONAL EDUCATORS learn the politically correct manner to address bad spellings, and mis-spellings. If one is a cautious individual...I suggest one seek out a cultural-rule book for better spelling instruction.

I recommend A guide, and have included A Cultural Spelling Guide Link.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Celebrity P@wer!



I have just viuw'da "Webcam Hacking," a short-film (made with a web-camera) free online.

I could imagine myself as the first Artist 2 make my own 'deviant version'....Webcam Haking, or...Webcam Kaking, yet I have no plans 2 move in this direction, because this is a serious topic; and the film makers approach'da their film in a tasteful manner, showing good taste. 

Internet Safety, and feeling secure, safe and needed at home is important, especially 2 many young women.
Spoiler: This short-film will leave many disturbed.

Webcam Hacking:
My Rate: A solid 3 stars!


Directions tu Link:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebrity P@wer: What Is Good?

What Is Good?

Do You Know What 'Good' Is?
I don't hnow what 'good' is.

I hnow children are often told 2 be good...ask'da 2 behave; and STOP acting selfishly.

I hnow what is good for me, and I hnow who looks 'good' this, I mean who looks healthy and attractive 2 me...yet, what is good?

Years later, after watching America's Top Model, I wonder' can one judge a model's personality, or her character?

Do parents hnow that their children are not really good, rather they are more ignorant than knowledgable...more innocent than specialist? When parents encourage their children 2 'be good,' do they really mean 'follow the rules,' and 'listen 2 us'...?

Link: Being M@del: Think Like A Model

I wonder, how dare the male judges on the a beauty contest, act like it is better 2 judge a model's insides...not her outer appearance? 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Celebrity P@wer!

Celebrity Power!

What would You Do If A Child Went Missing?
If A Child from Your Neighborhood Were Missing?


Show the world we care enough to act when ANY human being goes missing. 

Celebrity P@wer 2 The BlogGinX Generation

Will Reality 'PC' Actors, 
who exist mostly from their local PCs,
relocate to Memphis TN

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrity Power!

*throw'n rotton tomatos*
*with maggots pop'n out*

Don't bring out 'The Single Life of Queens..."

As if the House-wife dramatic version of 'fabulous-reality TV' were not bad enough, As if watching skinny models sit on 'Television-home' for Baybi Phat was'nt enuf...or about as bad as watching bad girls without parents, I think we NEED 2 du
BETTER than watch welfare Queens get a 'reality'-Television show...or read more of this blog!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

CBA and Deviant Ai / A

Why did I start CBA, a free chanel online?

1) CBA seem'da like the best way 2 describe my online contribution. I had uploaded poetry under sudonims /pseudonyms like Allday? or under the psuedonym Erowtic Poet...or Erowtic. Often I chose the act of using a pseudonym 2 best describe the type of 'window'-frame I wanted the reader 2 'look-thru'...This approach satisfai'da my ideas of how 2 clue a reader into what the poem is about, and what type of speaker I, the writer, envision'da...the best way I now 2 describe this is by compairing my approach 2 Anonymous 'specializ'da.' I also contributed my complete fragmented novel..."Dancing Near The Fire" posted under pseudonym Tresha Mae Dew...a sudonyn that completed the idea of what I was trying 2 du.
Since my main contributions were written poetry, or audio and written fiction, I wanted 2 describe my influence using three letters: CBA. (Why would a 3 letter description for a broadcast be a problem?).

2) CBA was my idea of how 2 best approach the task of starting a chanel more like the big TV networks; yet different...I described my approach as...Ativi...or (see below)

After I started CBA, I uploaded videos. I also started re-uploading older videos that I had previously uploaded, yet remove'da.
CBA was like a central chanel connecting my other free chanels...from CBA, I branch'da 2:
CBA/Mi Rio
Deviant Ai / Deviant Artist / Erowtic
...and a fuw more.

3) In my way of approaching a problem...first I had 2 identify the problem. Was my problem how 2 create a chanel that seem'da like a real Television channel...yet different; or was my problem how 2 get subscribers...challenges similar 2 the problems online 'news media' web-sites deal with online.

I never reach'da a definate proto-type.
Because my interest were in self-growth, personal reflection, Art and humor...I cover'da a lot of ground. At times, my chanels online seem'da like expensive video-phone chats.
Sometimes...I reach'da Documentairy 'Nuws' type territory using video-making software and a video-camera...often I relied on my journal as a record of my ideas...from beginning 2 the end result.
Because I had previous experience with ideas from a computer programming class, I strongly encourage a 'computer-friendly' approach...yet many online users were normal people curious about online business-sites and humor.
[Computer humor has not changed...many 'normal' people viuw 'cyberspace' and the thought of existing 'online' as a cold, and detach'da (from people) experience. Many humorist refer 2 gay-tendencies in 'online-communities'...this negative experience works against 'computer-based' entertainment options...].

As a experimental person, I used the PC in many different ways, especially when I base'da my 'output' around the attachable-devices I attach'da 2 the computer. Each added device increase'da my video-making capabilities.
Yet what was the goal?
Was I trying 2 make a online chanel similar 2 a broadcast big-network channel...or a free-chanel lai-cah a semi-lingual, video experience created for a online audience?

I decided 2 work on 2 goals: Make CBA more like ATIV, while I work on my poetry and work on a fuw educational ideas...[Ed-u-cay-shional]

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Celebrity Power: Advice For The Real HouseWives Of Atlanta...

Power 2 tha BloGinX Generation...
I tweeted the very attractive and talented Cynthia a tweet...
Tweet: Celeb-Family Dancing?

I hope 2 watch Ne-Ne dance with her housewife family/co-host in a friendly 'celebrity-family-dance' competition...2 be honest, I like dance shows...I wish I could see 2 famous reality-TV families...'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' and 'The HouseWives of Atlanta' oppose 2 dancing with the stars, we could watch ...Celebrity Dancing...

BTW, I *big <3* Dancing With The Stars! 

Celebrity Power! Advice for Kevin Hart...

A nuw Blog!

Kevin Hart...

I think Kevin Hart would make most of us proud by portraying a labor/worker who goes on strike...and is aware of the humorous situation of striking near lazy people!