Friday, June 20, 2014

Blu AynJay


I was day-dreaming, forgive this writing's imperfections.
Like the night wind, I rush'd to impress my thoughts.

When a chocolate color'd woman, similar to the Oracle in the Maitrix...a young Oracle, needs to regain her mental balance, after introducing her mind to drugs, I wonder'da if the Re-birth of Trinity was being made.

I rush this idea. I had thought of the re-birth of Trinity...yet gave-up thinking about this complex film-idea. Yet, chocolate color'd angels are on my mind. I am impress'da by the person who learns from their past mistakes, and then change the path of their life.

[ *The Un-important...side-plot has been removed* ]

Flash forward...Trinity is the same, and yet not the same.

The Oracle is dark brown, of a kind nature...sweet like chocolate. We are again at the start of Zion, an efficient, clean city the programs have mysteriously re-created.

Zion begins to crumble. The deteriation spreads. The programmers are asked to consult the Oracle.

Plan A: Help the young Oracle help Zion.

Contact Zora
Find the re-Ornette Coleman
Save Zion.

Side plot: A Nu language is expected, a key in the city of Zion.

Flash back...The young Trinity screams as the face of her father what seems like a older man. He looks like an older Neo...a Computer mathmatics teacher...?

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