Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebrity P@wer: What Is Good?

What Is Good?

Do You Know What 'Good' Is?
I don't hnow what 'good' is.

I hnow children are often told 2 be good...ask'da 2 behave; and STOP acting selfishly.

I hnow what is good for me, and I hnow who looks 'good' this, I mean who looks healthy and attractive 2 me...yet, what is good?

Years later, after watching America's Top Model, I wonder' can one judge a model's personality, or her character?

Do parents hnow that their children are not really good, rather they are more ignorant than knowledgable...more innocent than specialist? When parents encourage their children 2 'be good,' do they really mean 'follow the rules,' and 'listen 2 us'...?

Link: Being M@del: Think Like A Model

I wonder, how dare the male judges on the a beauty contest, act like it is better 2 judge a model's insides...not her outer appearance? 

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