This is the only way to see this point-of-viuw.
I have a hunch (gathered from learning about music while online), that people who are GOOD EXAMPLES are often ignored, while people who become BAD EXAMPLES often try TO BE ignored...by covering up their previous confusing deeds.
I will admit, I participated in The Cup Song Challenge after seeing many people attempt this challenging musical activity. After I heard (indirectly) that I was guilty of violating copyright law, I responded in a defensive way.
I will create MY EHRBAN MYTH MYSTORY because I can not uncover the factual details behind The Cup Song.
MY EHRBAN MYTH is not factual...I am telling you, dear reader, a mythical / (fictional) story because I want you to think about music and copyright laws.
My Ehrban Myth:
Imagine...a family who enjoys creating puzzles and solving riddles.
Imagine that this family, which I will call The Cardash Family, creates a fun song.
Imagine that The Cardash Family shares this song with the neighborhood...and then for fun, the family records a audio version of their song. After time has passed, imagine that the father of The Cardash Family learns that part of the complex-rhythmic-beat beneith the song is directly copied from an older song. Imagine that the father is then confused...although the song was created by the family, and shared with family friends...should they continue to share their version, which actually is apart of a older song, and seems to be the nuw part -- of a old song...the father continues to worry. After much thinking, and not knowing what to do, imagine that the father then decides to stop sharing The Cardash Family's Song, and that the family is then told by the father...to enjoy life...and make other songs...
In this legend or myth, music is a way to communicate with your family, ancestors and neighbors.... In my myth, The Cardash Family ran into trouble when they decided to record this song for the first time. Traditionally, families would sing (not play) old songs.
After learning more, and after reading about copyright laws, imagine that the father of The Cardash Family decides to instruct his family to stop sharing this song.
Imagine, a neighboring family wants to become popular, and after hearing The Cardash Family's Song, they record a similar version. I will call this family: The Dashers. The newly-recorded song by The Dashers, sells like hot-biscuits with butter. Imagine that people everywhere can be heard singing a variation of The Cardash Family's Song. Imagine students were taught this song, because it is complex and fun to learn, and imagine that many young people are given instruction...to copy right.
Imagine that after learning about the older song The Cardash Family had, in part, copied correctly; the father of The Dashers Family remains quiet about possible copyright infringements. Imagine that The Dashers Family is then given instructions by the father to continue to sing and share this song.
This is a Ehrban myth I created after visiting an interesting web-site:
Link: Guide-To-The-Cup-Song
I chose to create a story with a Good Example and a Confusing Example.
The Good Example is the example of the father of The Cardash Family, because this character chose to refrain from activities that could be harmful...often, it is best to not rush...especially where 'angels' would be fearful to follow.
In literature and on television, I have notice'da that angels are associated with music and Sunday school.
In my myth, the confusing example is given by the father of The Dashers Family, who passes along a confusing example...thus, opens the 'musical-gate' to greater possible copyright infringments.
In my myth, after 20 years have passed, the events of The Cardash Family's Song are re-veiled...people who were taught this fun song, and the musicians who copied this song perfectly became silent. Videos online were pulled...although the musical-cup was passed along, and The Cardash Family's Song and music was learn'da and was share'da, the people who did not know what to do about copyright infringments decided to stop sharing their video-versions, or stop playing that song. Unfortunately, only one pale young man online was blaimed. He was the last person online to remove his version of this song, or...the only person online who continued to share his video-verson of The Cardash Family's Song...he refused to remove his version of the song in the video he uploaded because, as he confessed in a video online...it had taken him months to learn the basic rhythmic beat. He considered learning this complex and challenging song the greatest toil of his life...which may be why he refused to remove the video documenting the hard-learned musical fruit he earned after much bucket-banging labor.
...Thus begins the humorous journeys of 'The White Grincha...as this (fictional) online user was from that point onward called.
BTW, If you do not like MY MYTH, I suggest you make uor own version-up!
If you do now more about copyright laws, and how to safely record audio versions of a song you have learned from other people...please share your ideas, or create better myths 2 share.
Update: I think some versions of 'The Cup-Song' sound like a sped-up version of the folk-song 'This Old Man'. What would The Cup Song Sound like slow'da daown?
Link 2 My Version of the Cup-Song-Challenge!
Glozel Green - The Cup Song
[Also, note Fan79518 Channel Playlist: If I Act Like You, Am I A Bad Example?]
I May Offer My Audio-Beats for sale, or to share with my permission to computer users, via. Youtube.com.