Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Celebrity P@wer: What Is Good?

What Is Good?

Do You Know What 'Good' Is?
I don't hnow what 'good' is.

I hnow children are often told 2 be good...ask'da 2 behave; and STOP acting selfishly.

I hnow what is good for me, and I hnow who looks 'good' this, I mean who looks healthy and attractive 2 me...yet, what is good?

Years later, after watching America's Top Model, I wonder' can one judge a model's personality, or her character?

Do parents hnow that their children are not really good, rather they are more ignorant than knowledgable...more innocent than specialist? When parents encourage their children 2 'be good,' do they really mean 'follow the rules,' and 'listen 2 us'...?

Link: Being M@del: Think Like A Model

I wonder, how dare the male judges on the a beauty contest, act like it is better 2 judge a model's insides...not her outer appearance? 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Celebrity P@wer!

Celebrity Power!

What would You Do If A Child Went Missing?
If A Child from Your Neighborhood Were Missing?


Show the world we care enough to act when ANY human being goes missing. 

Celebrity P@wer 2 The BlogGinX Generation

Will Reality 'PC' Actors, 
who exist mostly from their local PCs,
relocate to Memphis TN

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrity Power!

*throw'n rotton tomatos*
*with maggots pop'n out*

Don't bring out 'The Single Life of Queens..."

As if the House-wife dramatic version of 'fabulous-reality TV' were not bad enough, As if watching skinny models sit on 'Television-home' for Baybi Phat was'nt enuf...or about as bad as watching bad girls without parents, I think we NEED 2 du
BETTER than watch welfare Queens get a 'reality'-Television show...or read more of this blog!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

CBA and Deviant Ai / A

Why did I start CBA, a free chanel online?

1) CBA seem'da like the best way 2 describe my online contribution. I had uploaded poetry under sudonims /pseudonyms like Allday? or under the psuedonym Erowtic Poet...or Erowtic. Often I chose the act of using a pseudonym 2 best describe the type of 'window'-frame I wanted the reader 2 'look-thru'...This approach satisfai'da my ideas of how 2 clue a reader into what the poem is about, and what type of speaker I, the writer, envision'da...the best way I now 2 describe this is by compairing my approach 2 Anonymous 'specializ'da.' I also contributed my complete fragmented novel..."Dancing Near The Fire" posted under pseudonym Tresha Mae Dew...a sudonyn that completed the idea of what I was trying 2 du.
Since my main contributions were written poetry, or audio and written fiction, I wanted 2 describe my influence using three letters: CBA. (Why would a 3 letter description for a broadcast be a problem?).

2) CBA was my idea of how 2 best approach the task of starting a chanel more like the big TV networks; yet different...I described my approach as...Ativi...or (see below)

After I started CBA, I uploaded videos. I also started re-uploading older videos that I had previously uploaded, yet remove'da.
CBA was like a central chanel connecting my other free chanels...from CBA, I branch'da 2:
CBA/Mi Rio
Deviant Ai / Deviant Artist / Erowtic
...and a fuw more.

3) In my way of approaching a problem...first I had 2 identify the problem. Was my problem how 2 create a chanel that seem'da like a real Television channel...yet different; or was my problem how 2 get subscribers...challenges similar 2 the problems online 'news media' web-sites deal with online.

I never reach'da a definate proto-type.
Because my interest were in self-growth, personal reflection, Art and humor...I cover'da a lot of ground. At times, my chanels online seem'da like expensive video-phone chats.
Sometimes...I reach'da Documentairy 'Nuws' type territory using video-making software and a video-camera...often I relied on my journal as a record of my ideas...from beginning 2 the end result.
Because I had previous experience with ideas from a computer programming class, I strongly encourage a 'computer-friendly' approach...yet many online users were normal people curious about online business-sites and humor.
[Computer humor has not changed...many 'normal' people viuw 'cyberspace' and the thought of existing 'online' as a cold, and detach'da (from people) experience. Many humorist refer 2 gay-tendencies in 'online-communities'...this negative experience works against 'computer-based' entertainment options...].

As a experimental person, I used the PC in many different ways, especially when I base'da my 'output' around the attachable-devices I attach'da 2 the computer. Each added device increase'da my video-making capabilities.
Yet what was the goal?
Was I trying 2 make a online chanel similar 2 a broadcast big-network channel...or a free-chanel lai-cah a semi-lingual, video experience created for a online audience?

I decided 2 work on 2 goals: Make CBA more like ATIV, while I work on my poetry and work on a fuw educational ideas...[Ed-u-cay-shional]