Monday, May 25, 2015

So What.


This begins the tragic story about a musician in love with falling in Love, yet a musician who hates writing her lyrics down. Hates writing in fact...spell-check, ink, like bloodly smears.

This musician did everything fast. She ate hot foods fast.
She fell for hard-core men fast, faster than the time needed for drops of salt tuh fall down her cheeks. She fell in love fast. Wounds are slow tuh heal.

This musician hated red paiper. Red paiper is special tuh a few... Red paiper can only be purchase'da from special stores popular tuh coastal towns.

She prefer'da green sheets of flat sea-weed. Thin, paper-like finely press'da sea-weed.

She preferred Metafiction tuh Fiction, Haiku tuh Metafiction.
For each disappointed relationship, for each broken promise...or faded dream, she dropped a cooked grain of rice ontuh each thin sea-weed sheet.
Black rice was used for each idea she sat on, waiting on him.
Yellow rice was used for every dream she held inside, while waiting on his return.
Brown rice was used for every song she could not finish.
White rice was used for every sexual-comfort she gave herself, while waiting for his return.
After she made her bed of rice, she place'da cook'da shrimp on top.

Then she ate. She fell in love fast, her wounds are slow tuh heal.

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Could Reality TV Really Be Real?


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The Housewives of much has been said, mostly supportive chats from fans. I myself have a difficult time  swollowin the concept: Fab-Reality! A FABULOUS LIFE, movie-star actresses living at home, on TV...a strong contrast with previous TV sitcoms with realistic looking actresses, playing working women (...and struggling parents).

The show '227' (BET) is a good example of how family-center'da shows once looked...sponge-rollers, house-robes, and slipper.
Women on Family shows use 2 look like 'Mama' from 'Mama's Family'.

Today, TV Wives look Fabulous... Yet, could this really be REAL?

BET has  a 'smart-pool' filled with talent.
Nuw ideas are guaranteed 2 emerge... Kendra, a talented woman, should work on producing a show, she knows more about videos production than most, and she knows people who create TV programs.

I sense a romantic side...maybe Kendra, popular Reality-TV Show actress, will create a nuw TV Show about marriage-the-institution!

To learn more about reality, I recommend a guide, I have included the following LINK: Fan79518Chanel-theMaitrix